3 Features To Include In The Construction Of Senior Housing

The U.S. Census reported a 5.3% increase in the number of residents aged 65 and older between 2000 and 2010. With the elderly population increasing at such a rapid rate, senior housing is becoming a lucrative market. If you are thinking of investing in the construction of assisted living apartments that are designed to house senior citizens, there are some unique considerations to keep in mind.

Here are three features that every assisted living apartment should be equipped with.

1. Hand rails on each side of staircases.

As the body begins to age, balance and strength can begin to fade. This can make navigating staircases difficult. Statistics show that nearly one-third of people aged 65 and older fall each year. Many of these falls result in serious injury, and 1% of those who experience a fall die as a result of their injuries.

By adding something as simple as an additional hand rail to any staircases within your assisted living apartments, you can reduce the likelihood that stairs will cause falls among your aging residents.

2. Install carpeting throughout the apartment.

While hardwood or tile flooring can add value to a traditional home, having these slick surfaces in the home can be dangerous for aging residents. Not only are wood and tile floors devoid of traction, but they often require the addition of area rugs to reduce echoing.

Area rugs have a tendency to slip out of place when stepped on, which could cause an aging resident to fall. Carpeting not only helps prevent falls, but it can act as a cushion to reduce the risk of injury if a fall does occur. Making the choice to install carpet in every room of your assisted living apartments will make these units a safer place for senior citizens to live.

3. Opt for bright paint colors.

It can be tempting to incorporate a neutral color palette into the interior design of your assisted living apartments, opting for bright colors instead can be more beneficial. Elderly individuals are particularly susceptible to depression, but being surrounding by warm colors can help stave off feelings of loneliness.

The paint colors you select can even have a physical impact on your elderly residents. Studies show that soft reds and oranges can be beneficial in increasing energy levels and circulation. Taking the time to carefully select bright paint colors for your assisted living apartments can have a positive impact on residents in the future.

Building assisted living apartments can be financially beneficial. Before you make the choice to invest in the construction of housing units for senior citizens, be sure that your design plans include double hand rails for stairways, full carpeting, and bright paint colors to help make life more enjoyable for future residents.

Facilities like Colonial Residence capitalize on many of these same features.
