Five Types Of Items You Should Pack When Moving Into An Assisted Living Facility

When moving into an assisted living facility, you will typically have less space than you have in your current home. Because of this, you may need to pare down your possessions and only bring select items to your new home in the assisted living facility. Deciding what to get rid of and what to take along can be challenging, but to help you, here are several types of items you should bring with you:

1. Essential Items

Obviously, you need to bring your personal essentials such as your medications, toothbrushes, combs and clothing. However, unless the assisted living facility is furnished, you will also need to bring some of your furnishings.

To help you choose which furniture you need, bring a tape measure to the facility before moving in. Get a sense of how many of your items you can fit in your new home and choose your favorite furnishings. Donate the rest of your furniture, or give it to family members.

2. Nostalgic Items

You have lived a full life, and you likely have the wall hangings, mementos and knick knacks to prove it. Choose the items that make you feel the happiest or the ones connected to the most special memories. For items that you don't have room to bring but hate to get rid of, you may want to think of some creative ways to memorialize those items.

3. Memorial Items

If you have a closet full of your late spouse's clothing or memory boxes full of baby clothing, consider hiring someone to make a quilt using those scraps. That way, you essentially have those items, but you don't need to waste closet space in your new home. Rather, you can use the quilt on your bed in the assisted living facility.

With other items, consider taking photos of them and creating a scrapbook.

4. Items to Keep in Touch

If your assisted living facility is far from your home or your family, you may want to purchase some items to help you keep in touch. If you like, this can be as simple as buying stationery and stamps. However, you could also buy a tablet.

Using that, you can check for updates on your friends' and relatives' social media sites. You can also chat with loved ones using the face cam, or you can email them.

5. Icebreaking Items

There will be numerous other seniors living at the assisted living facility, and if you want to make new friends easily, consider bringing along a few "icebreaker" items. If you love board games, bring a few so you can invite others to play. If you have a prized collection of fishing lures, bring those to show off. If you don't have "ice breaker" items, do not fret. Most assisted living facilities have social events such as card nights for you to get to know other residents.

For more information, check out companies such as Casa De Palomas.
